Amplia colección de porcelánicos para decorar tu hogar.

Revestimientos y pavimentos cerámicos para conseguir ambientes únicos.


Kitchen floors

Últimas tendencias en gres porcelánico


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El gres porcelánico marca sus reglas.

Defining the style in each home is fundamental when carrying out a renovation. There are a multitude of ceramic tiles on the market for the decoration of ceramic and stoneware wall and floor coverings in every room. Porcelain stoneware is the pioneering material in achieving indoor and outdoor environments with the maximum guarantee of quality. It is a benchmark in the world of decoration, architecture and interior design and has marked a revolution by reproducing the patterns of nature, achieving authentic and realistic atmospheres.

¿Qué es el gres porcelánico?

It is the great temptation for modern decoration.
An inexhaustible source of inspiration.
An avant-garde material, not only from a technological point of view, but also in terms of design and decoration.
A product capable of creating art in its own right.
Es la nueva generación de la cerámica inspirada en la belleza natural.
It is the most authentic version of the materials found in nature, in everything that surrounds us, its textures, its colours made available to the world of decoration.
Es un tipo de baldosa que gana cada vez más adeptos por sus múltiples ventajas a la hora de la decoración de interiores y exteriores.

Ficha Técnica

El gres porcelánico es el revestimiento preferido de altas prestaciones que cuenta con unas cualidades únicas.
It is a hard, compact ceramic paste obtained by pressing different types of clays.

In the firing process its components, clay, sand and other natural dry pressed substances, are subjected to extremely high temperatures which give it its unbeatable technical characteristics:

  • Alta resistencia a los cambios de temperatura, por los que es perfecto para zonas de exterior.
  • Fácil limpieza. Se pueden limpiar prácticamente con cualquier tipo de detergente o desinfectante y es resistente a los ácidos.
  • Extrema dureza, lo que lo hace invulnerable a los golpes y ralladuras e inalterable al paso del tiempo.
  • Low porosity. With a very low water absorption capacity, which gives it its waterproof and non-slip quality.

On the other hand, coloured porcelain stoneware or rectified full body porcelain stoneware is one in which the whole piece is 100% porcelain, whereas in glazed porcelain stoneware only the glaze layer is porcelain, so a blow can damage it, which is not the case with technical porcelain stoneware.

It is also easy to work with when it comes to installation as it can be easily cut and drilled to customise the space.

Un material con unas propiedades que atraen la atención de decoradores, interioristas y arquitectos por su resistencia al tiempo y a las condiciones extremas.

Interiores con poder decorativo

In workplaces such as companies, offices or business centres where image is fundamental and creative and sophisticated decorations are required. Their designs and high resistance turn these places into highly decorative spaces where a sophisticated and avant-garde style is an essential requirement.

In shopping centres or public spaces where, in addition to design, high resistance and low wear and tear are required for high traffic areas. The anti-slip finish is essential in these decorations.

En la industria y centros de trabajo donde se exigen pavimentos que lo resistan todo, desde el paso de maquinaria a la utilización de productos altamente tóxicos o abrasivos, los suelos porcelánicos son primordiales.

In the home... the market offers a variety of wall and floor tile designs that reproduce natural materials to create personalised atmospheres with the advantages of porcelain stoneware in terms of its inalterability to wear and tear and its high resistance.

Porcelain tiles for kitchens, where a durable covering is necessary for the day-to-day family battle, with designs that help to give it a personal touch. In addition, its field of action expands into the world of worktops that become the heart of the kitchen for its unquestionable advantages with smooth, wide and easy to clean surfaces, for its high durability, for its resistance to knocks, scratches or abrasions so common in the kitchen.

Porcelain tile for bathrooms. Its easy cleaning makes it perfect for a space where hygiene is paramount and it has spectacular and sophisticated designs for every type of decorative style.

Porcelánico para salones donde el suelo porcelánico se convierte en el rey de la decoración con sus reproducciones en madera, mármol o piedra.


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There are countless advantages offered by porcelain floors for outdoors. The characteristics of these tiles make them stand out from other outdoor materials. The safety they provide, their anti-slip properties and their high resistance to inclement weather have made them irreplaceable for all types of outdoor areas:

Porcelain stoneware for gardens has become essential when designing these types of exteriors due to its high technical qualities and its designs, becoming a key element in the world of landscaping to create entrances, paths or ornamental figures.
Porcelain tiles for terraces where imitations of wood, natural stone or microcements have conquered the market, creating the most surprising and welcoming spaces.
Las baldosas porcelánicas para piscinas donde indudablemente su poder antideslizante es un plus.
Porcelain stoneware tiles are highly recommended for high pedestrian traffic areas such as public roads that require maximum safety materials.

Experimenting with textures

Porcelain stoneware fuses the reproduction of nature's patterns with high durability and easy maintenance. Its textures are available in the following finishes:
En madera o parquet porcelánico para recuperar la esencia de lo tradicional con imitaciones de las maderas más nobles.
En mármol porcelánico, sinónimo de elegancia y siempre protagonista en la alta decoración.
In porcelain stone with reproductions of granite, slate and sandstone that bring innovative textures to the world of decoration.
El cemento en forma de baldosa porcelánica se convierte en la estrella del estilo moderno y vanguardista tan de moda por su carácter atemporal y funcional.
Metal or iron-effect porcelain wall tiles have become a reference for urban style.


Los colores son la esencia de la vida. Aportan un sinfín de sensaciones que pueden cambiar el estado de ánimo y muestran la personalidad de cada casa. Además, representan diferentes estilos decorativos:
El gris y el visón son muy cercanos al estilo minimalista.
Red and black mark avant-garde and sophisticated styles, representative of the avant-garde and urban style.
White is the predominant tone in Nordic style furnishings.
White is the predominant tone in Nordic style furnishings.
Los tonos de la madera noble son los representativos del estilo rústico. Con el gres porcelánico llegan a su máxima expresión con colores tan innovadores como el azul, el verde o el gris manteniendo siempre el efecto veteado de la madera natural.
En definida una amplia paleta de colores con los que la versatilidad del gres porcelánico entra a formar parte de cada una de las tendencias y estilos decorativos.

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    Amb 6935 Roble Anti Slip 21x1475 1833 Bone 100x100 1933 Bone Anti Slip 100x100 6631 Sand 64x1475 web - Gres Porcelánico

    New architectural and design trends demand the creation of a wide variety of sizes to adapt to new spaces and lifestyles.
    Existen numerosos y creativos formatos de gres porcelánico en los que entran en juego la geometría, los grandes espacios, los detalles y el arte.
    Large-format porcelain stoneware produces a visual effect of continuity, making large spaces even larger.
    Porcelain tiles in irregular formats express avant-gardism through the combination of their shapes, which can be used to create striking interior walls and elegant façades.
    El porcelánico laminado, reproduce la madera natural con el formato efecto parquet. Los tiles porcelain tiles hexagonales generan un impacto visual con sus diseños geométricos que llevan a decoraciones muy originales.

    Amb 6910 Grey Anti Slip 21x1475 6610 Grey 21x1475 web - Gres Porcelánico

    Pura inspiración en catálogo porcelánico

    Porcelanite Dos has an extensive catalogue of atmospheres and inspirational ideas for decorating interiors and exteriors with porcelain floor tiles. In each collection there are images of kitchens, bathrooms, living rooms or terraces with different design suggestions.

    Un muestrario en el que los rústicos vuelven a la vida con pavimentos porcelánicos que imitan los antiguos solados de adoquines o barro cocido tan auténticos integrándose en los ambientes de tendencia natural de hoy en día.

    Los mármoles con el porcelánico pulido son la elegancia llevada al extremo junto con las maderas nobles en paredes y suelos. Todos ellos combinados entre sí son un derroche de imaginación sin precedentes.

    Colecciones de Gres Porcelánico