Baños de Diseño

Colecciones de azulejos para baños de diseño

Designer bathrooms, a commitment to technology and sophistication

Having a designer bathroom gives a new meaning to your daily routine and makes it completely personalised. It is to surround yourself with the best technological features and the latest generation materials that take design to another level. They are intelligent bathrooms that will transform your life and awaken your senses with their seductive powers.

A designer bathroom reflects your way of seeing life, your innovative, sophisticated spirit, always up to date with the latest technological advances. Create that space you won't want to leave with designs that seek maximum comfort with innovative functions and new materials. If you want that oasis of pleasure, if for you the importance of design is paramount...... the bathroom reform begins.

Amb 9545 Roble Relieve 30x90 9543 Blue Calacatta Relieve Decor 30x90 1840 Blue Calacatta 98x98 web - Baños de Diseño

Discover the keys to an avant-garde bathroom

Partiendo de la base de que el baño es el primer lugar que pisamos nada más levantarnos y el último antes de acostarnos, necesitamos que su decoración nos active y nos relaje al mismo tiempo.

In today's bathrooms, functionality is a priority. They are characterised by a minimalist style where not only aesthetics but also technology have transformed an environment with impressive designs in terms of bathroom furniture, designer sanitary ware, accessories and high-tech taps. The most incredible to turn your bathroom into a true oasis.

It is a style of avant-garde bathrooms that do not sacrifice comfort for aesthetics. Because every detail counts, let yourself be carried away by the latest innovations to achieve that cinematic bathroom.

  • Con las nuevas griferías de alta tecnología, con los grifos electrónicos, duchas multifunción con termostatos programables y sistemas de hidromasaje.
  • With anodised glass shower enclosures that go unnoticed as they do not have metallised profiles.
  • Con espejos inteligentes que van mas allá de proporcionarte un simple reflejo, con luces led regulables y sistemas anti vaho.
  • With the most innovative bathroom accessories.
  • Con muebles de con sistema de altavoces Bluetooth, gran capacidad de almacenaje e iluminación interior.
  • Thermostatic bath columns with a variety of functions to enjoy water in all its versions

They are a set of small things that show us the pleasure of design and achieve a decoration of impact. You will discover that the soul of avant-garde style lies not only in unlimited comfort but also in the sustainable use of natural resources.

Amb 9545 Nordica Relieve 30x90 9540 White Mate White Mate Relieve 30x90 1856 White 100x100 web - Baños de Diseño
Amb 9544 Roble 30x90 1815 Negro Pulido 98x98 6609 Negro Pulido 63x146 web - Baños de Diseño

Photos and images of designer bathrooms: superior quality

New technologies, digital printing and personalised design result in sophistication in modern bathroom design. But how to achieve this?

Descubre las nuevas ideas en decoración de baños que cobran vida en los nuevos catálogos de Porcelanite. Encontrarás fotos de cuartos de baño modernos, donde los nuevos diseños en bathroom tiles llenan de glamour, sofisticación y creatividad la decoración.

It is cutting-edge technology at the service of comfort with tiles and paving that give character to your walls and floors, an exclusive, infallible decoration with incredibly attractive finishes that will make visitors fall in love. Because design rules... add a touch of gold to your home decoration.

Azulejos y pavimentos porcelánicos: lo último para baños de diseño

La característica principal de este tipo de cuartos de baño, es su estilo vanguardista y la combinación de materiales de última generación.

For this reason, the ceramics sector has been working hard to create ceramics and porcelain tiles that combine design and the latest technological advances.

And they have succeeded, because not only technology but also the world of interior design and decoration have transformed the idea of the modern bathroom where the latest trends lead us to create more natural spaces in our toilet and personal care space.

Amb 9543 Calacatta Gold Decor Relieve 30x90 1840 Calacatta Gold Pulido 98x98 web - Baños de Diseño

Elegancia y diseño para todo tipo de baños

  • Self-cleaning tiles.
  • Antibacterial and odour coatings.
  • Baldosas interactivas que reaccionan al frio o al calor.
  • Faithful reproductions of natural materials that verge on perfection, such as wood, stone, cement or concrete to create ceramic parquet, marble effect flooring or imitation stone cladding for the decoration of sophisticated bathrooms.
  • Digital tile printing takes home decoration into the world of art, reproducing all kinds of images to create the most exclusive environments.
  • Baldosas flexibles que se adatan a cualquier superficie creando unos ambientes increíbles no solo en cuartos de baño sino también en cualquier estancia del hogar.
  • Extra thin coverings perfect for the decoration of bathrooms with shower.
  • Baldosas de gran formato que te permiten prácticamente eliminar las antiestéticas juntas.
  • Revestimientos en 3D o baldosas tridimensionales donde los relieves, las texturas y el volumen te dejarán con la boca abierta.
  • Metallic effect porcelain stoneware where the shines and reflections lead us to an elegant and sophisticated atmosphere.
  • Trend-setting geometric tiles with a moving effect.

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